Stagings of The Dybbuk in Poland

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Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego, Warszawa
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Teatr Nowy Azazel (The New Azazel Theatre in Warsaw)

Der Dybuk

premiere: 29 August 1941, Warsaw
Nowolipie Street no. 72, within the confines of the Jewish ghetto
language: yiddish

Performance directed by the actor – Ajzyk Samberg (1889-1943), performed in Yiddish and based on David Hermanʼs three-act realisation of The Dybbuk, for the Jews confined in the Warsaw Ghetto. Samberg played the role of Meszulach in the same way as in Michał Waszyńskiʼs Yiddish film based on a script by Marek Arnstein, made in Poland in 1937 – the same year David Herman died in the USA.

1. An advertisement in “Gazeta Żydowska” (Jewish Newspaper) 78/1941, p. 6.
2. A review – H. Cz., Wielkie święto w Teatrze Nowy Azazel. „Dybuk” Sz. An-skiego (A great feast in the New Azazel Theatre. Sz. An-skiʼs “Dybbuk“), “Gazeta Żydowska” (Jewish Newspaper) 78/1941, p. 5.
3. The entrance to the New Azazel Theatre – a shot from an unfinished German propaganda film presenting life in the Warsaw ghetto, made in 1942.
4.Stadtplan von Warschau – Plan miasta Warszawy from 1941, with the marked ghetto area and the location of the New Azazel Theatre

Source: Biblioteka Narodowa, Centralna Biblioteka Judaistyczna,
29 August 1941 | Teatr Nowy Azazel (The New Azazel Theatre in Warsaw)