Stagings of The Dybbuk in Poland

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Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego, Warszawa
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Państwowy Teatr Żydowski im. Ester Rachel Kamińskiej w Warszawie (Ester Rachel Kamińska State Jewish Theatre in Warsaw)

Dybuk (Na pograniczu dwóch światów)

premiere: 21 Februrary 1970, Warsaw
Królewska Street no. 13
language: yiddish

A new staging of The Dybbuk developed by the actor Chewel Buzgan (1897–1971), who played supporting roles in the performance of the Vilnius Troupe from 1920. Buzganʼs Dybbuk was performed in Yiddish and featured with a subtitle: On the borderland of two worlds. A dramatic legend in two parts.

A group scene from the performance. Phot. Franciszek Myszkowski.

21 Februrary 1970 | Państwowy Teatr Żydowski im. Ester Rachel Kamińskiej w Warszawie (Ester Rachel Kamińska State Jewish Theatre in Warsaw)