Stagings of The Dybbuk in Poland

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Polish version
Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego, Warszawa
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Teatr Miejski w Łodzi (Municipal Theatre in Łódź)

premiere: 18 April 1925, Łódź
Cegielniana Street no. 63
language: polish

Polish premiere developed by the playwright and director Mark Arnstein (1880-1943) in a three-act version, above all with the assimilated Jews in mind.

1. Photo from first act and portraits of actors: Stefania Jarkowska (Lea), Tadeusz Białoszczyński (Khanan), Konstanty Tatarkiewiczy (Tzadik).

2. Three photographs published in an illustrated magazine in Krakow.

Source:Teatr Miejski w Łodzi 1922–1927, Łódź 1927 [1]; „Nowości Ilustrowane” 1925 no.18 [2]
18 April 1925 | Teatr Miejski w Łodzi (Municipal Theatre in Łódź)